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9th birthday party for the world's only panda triplets
发布时间:2023-07-30 20:20:07    来源:羊城派

On July 29th, a party was held in Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park to celebrate the 9th birthday of the world"s only panda triplets - Meng Meng, Shuai Shuai and Ku Ku.

Families of triplets around the world, multiple famous MCs and birthday boys and girls in July gathered in the Park to celebrate the birthday of the panda triplets.

In the early morning of July 29th, 2014, mother panda Ju Xiao gave birth to three panda cubs in succession at Chimelong Safari Park, marking the birthday of the only surviving giant panda triplets in the world.


Today, the triplets have assumed different characters. Meng Meng, the elder sister, is quiet and graceful as a "Miss Xiguan"; daring and strong, the younger brother Shuai Shuai is praised as a "handsome boy of Guangdong"; while the youngest brother Ku Ku, with eating and sleeping as his only interests, is as Buddha-like as a carefree "Dongshan Master".

The panda keepers here are known for their ingenuity. And this time, they have worked even harder to give the triplets wonderful birthday gifts. Besides a princess room for Meng Meng, a Cantonese dragon boat for Shuai Shuai and a remote control toy train for Ku Ku, there was also a three-layer summer cake for each of them.

In addition to the special birthday gifts, the keepers also serve them Cantonese afternoon tea at 3 p.m. as a daily routine, allowing them to enjoy the comfortable and leisurely life as a "Lao Guang" or "native Cantonese".

The lively birthday party of the panda triplets has become a yearly event attracting enthusiastic responses from fans around the world. In early July, people around the world started to record ID videos, so as to send their blessings and best wishes from far and near to the panda triplets.

On the venue, there was also a children"s band performing the adapted triplet theme song as well as a traditional Cantonese lion dance performed by the children to celebrate the triplet"s birthday, demonstrating the essence of Cantonese culture to the fullest with such lovely performers, and enabling the audience to immerse in the "classic Cantonese culture".

Visitors were also allowed to take the cable cars in the Park for free, to observe the lovely behaviors of the pandas such as eating and climbing from the air.










广大游客还能免费乘坐园区空中缆车,高空观察熊猫采食、攀爬等萌态。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 黎存根 通讯员 邓泳怡图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 邓勃翻译 | 洪婷

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青校对 | 桂晴



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